Thursday 28 May 2015

Review - Kingsman: The Secret Service

At first I thought it was difficult to be sure quite who the film was aimed at. It's too graphic and sweary to be a young adult film, and too OTT to be a serious manly spy film. Then I realised, it's pretty much the perfect film for a couple wanting to sit down on a Sunday night and watch something that they both like for a change. No compromise needed. For a start, this is by far the coolest thing I have seen Colin Firth in. Gone is the bumbling toff that charmed us all Bridget Jones. This Colin Firth is bad ass. Without giving away a spoiler – the church scene is now my No.1 Colin Firth moment.

Then there's Samuel L.Jackson. His bad guy is convincing enough that I'm waiting for EE to copy his free sim card idea and try and assert their world dominance. Oh wait a minute, that would involve not charging us £35 a sodding month for only enough reception to scrape a text through.

The main character “Eggsy” isn't too irritating for a teenage chav wannabe. Although if I was his Mum, I would have paid a bit more attention as to what he was up to, and probably boxed his ears. And as for the rest of the Riot Club wannabes that try out to become a Kingsman, well at least they're not in the film for too long.

There are some cracking action scenes in the movie, not a single contrived romance, plenty of silliness, but without devolving into farce. And did I mention Colin Firth is bad ass?

Rating: 9/10

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